Core Planning, LLC is a registered investment adviser.
It is the firm’s policy to maintain compliant registration status at all times. This may require additional state registrations in other appropriate jurisdictions as required.
Unless otherwise permitted, Core Planning will not conduct investment advisory activity in any jurisdiction unless the firm is first registered in that jurisdiction. While most jurisdictions will allow for a “de minimis” number of clients before requiring firm registration, some jurisdictions may require registration upon taking on the first client in that jurisdiction.
Having a “place of business”, as defined by applicable regulatory statutes, in a state will require registration regardless of the number of clients in that jurisdiction.
It is the CCO’s responsibility to ensure that the firm is appropriately registered at all times.
The firm’s CCO will:
The firm’s CCO will ensure that:
Other-than-Annual Amendments
The firm’s CCO will ensure that the firm files material changes to its Form ADV and any Form U4 documents promptly, usually within 30 days if firm’s disclosure brochure becomes materially inaccurate.